Posts Tagged ‘Assignments’

Focus Statement

The focus of the Sing it don’t say it blog is to invite people to be passionate enough about something to sing it from the rooftops. i am passionate about many things, which any reader of my blog will discover over the next few months. Most defiantly i love music, i love to sing it, i love to listen to it, and love to quote it.

My favorite singer of all time is Michael Jackson, now i realize that many people will give he hard time about that, and i would ask you to simply drop it. accept that i can like and listen to whomever i enjoy. ( i don’t rip on you for liking Marylin Manson even though i am disgusted by him).

In addition to music, i love learning new things, my favorite thing to do is sit and read strange, interesting and sometime disgusting facts, ( feel free to let me know if you come across any extra weird ones!)

Mostly i am still trying to find my voice in this world. Hopefully with some research i might be able to stumble upon it.

What blogging means for the future

The future is a big topic in the world today. Predictions like “the world is set to end in 2012” triggers movies and controversy in the media. And I have to say i kind of get it. The future is scary, and its scary because its totally unknown .

No one can pretend to know exactly what the future will be like. But i think its safe to make a few predictions about what the future of journalism holds.

The internet and general is an outlet for all things news. Not only CAN someone turn to the internet for their daily news and gossip,many are using it as thier number one source. Potentially this is a great (relatively) new outlet, because you start to see the Long tail effect come into play. It allows for many different types of niche and “different” voices to be heard” if you want to see what your friend is china’s weather will be like for the day, or what Paris Hilton wore to the Golden Globes is 2001, its as easy as a few taps on the keys.

However, just as it is easy to get correct and accurate information on the web. Its becoming just as common to see made up answers an crazy rumors posted on sites like Wikipedia ( where anyone can put their two cents in) or on their personal blog or Facebook account.

I think that the new generation of the technological savoy need to keep an eye out for outrageously false info popping up on the internet because with such a diverse and handy source of information at their fingertips, it would be a shame for it to become miss used.

Why Blogging is good for Journalism

To blog, blogging, blog about. These are all relatively new vocabulary words for the world to learn, and learn them they must. Blogging is becoming increasingly popular and some say beneficial in the journalism world.

Blogs are everywhere from online news sites( like The Huffington Post) giving busy individuals a chance to get an overview of the days news in one place, to a personal blog Jane Smith created solely dedicated to Robert Pattinson’s every move. No matter how you look at it, the blogging world is taking over. But , Is this a good thing?

I think in many ways it is. Blogs speak to the new technologically powered generation, giving variety to the reader, and a voice to the writer. ANYONE CAN MAKE A BLOG, and anyone can read them. That’s the beauty of it. There are even websites now that allow you to combine all your blogs into one easy to access “database”. Of that doesn’t scream easy and accessible I don’t know what does.

Whether you are in West Virginia or China, everyone can access the same blogs. You don’t have to be part of a Nation Wide corporation or News Program to get your voice heard. And the same goes with many new social networking sites. Facebook, and Twitter have also opened up the World Wide Web to a new level. Communication is key in the world today, and it is one skill the world seems to be grasping onto in a big way. Now the only thing left for people to decide is what they want to write about. However, whether or not your voice is worth hearing might be another issue.